September 5 – 8

Cumberland Schools #WeAreCuCPS on X: "Woo Hoo! We are excited to welcome our teachers back to campus today...#WeAreCuCPS" / X

A.R. is officially up and running!  If your child does not have a chance to take their A.R. test during the school day, they have access to A.R. from home until 8:00 pm every evening.  To do this:

  • Go to the R.B. Hunt site –
  • Click the “Open Clever” link
  • Log in with your child’s username and password.  Most students have this memorized. If they do not, the log in card can be found on the back of their red folder.

Accessing Your Child's FAST Scores | Okaloosa STEMM Academy

Students will take the math portion of F.A.S.T on Thursday, September 14th.  I will send home results when they are available.  

Important Information about Home Access Center | News Item

Interims will be loaded Tuesday, September 12th via HAC.  Please make sure you have access to this so you can see their progress the first half of first quarter.  No paper copies will be sent home unless requested.

Snot Stew

Our next class novel will be “Snot Stew” by Bill Wallace.  Please let me know if you would like an alternate assignment for your child.


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ELA:  Myths

Math:  multiplication fluency and methods, unit 2 formative

Science:  Properties of Matter

Social Studies: Mexico


Thank you for being attentive and determined this week!

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Important Dates:

  • 9/12:  Interims issued – check HAC!
  • 9/21:  PICTURE DAY!  PTAO meeting at 6:00 pm
  • 9/26:  Open House
  • 10/13:  end of 1st quarter
  • 10/16:  Teacher planning day – no school for students
  • 10/19:  PTA meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 10/24:  Character Counts program @ 9:00
  • 10/27:  Fall Festival, Parade of Characters


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly!

Check H.A.C and weekly

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on September 5 – 8

August 28th – September 1st

Affirmation Station | Sandton

Ask your child to read some of the affirmations they received this week from peers AND who in the class they wrote affirmations to!  We are feeling the love and positivity in our classroom BIG TIME!  

BIC - Red Ink - Round Stic Xtra Life Ballpoint Pen, Medium Point (1.0mm), Red, 10-Count

Our class is in need of 20 red pens that aren’t “clickers”.  We would be VERY grateful if you could send some in!  Thank you!

InSight and STAR Reading Correlation - Reading Plus

STAR reading scores are going home in red folders today.  The best habit you can get your child into is reading EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

Gooney Bird Greene: Lowry, Lois: 9780440419600: Books

Our next class novels will be “Gooney Bird Greene” by Lois Lowry and “Esio Trot” by Roald Dahl.  Please let me know if you would like an alternative assignment for your child.

Esio Trot, Pre-Owned Paperback 0141304642 9780141304649 Roald Dahl -


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ELA:  Informational text

Math:  multiplication fluency

Science:  Properties of Matter

Social Studies: Canada


Thank you for being RESPONSIBLE and KIND this week!

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Important Dates:

  • 9/4:  No school
  • 9/5:  SAC meeting
  • 9/12:  Interims issued
  • 9/21:  PTAO meeting at 6:00 pm
  • 9/26:  Open House
  • 10/13:  end of 1st quarter
  • 10/16:  Teacher planning day – no school for students
  • 10/19:  PTA meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 10/24:  Character Counts program @ 9:00
  • 10/27:  Fall Festival, Parade of Characters


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly!

Check H.A.C and weekly

We wear RED on Friday!

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August 21 – 25

State Test Results Are In. Are They Useless?

Students are finishing up taking their first STAR reading test.  I will send home results once all students have completed testing.  Our class will also take the ELA F.A.S.T reading test Thursday, August 31st.  This is nothing to worry about!  I will send home results for that as well when they are available.

Accelerated Reader - UK, Ireland and International

Fingers crossed A.R. will be up and running next week!  I am just as ready as the students are.  Please remind your child to write down any books they finish so they can take the test when A.R. is available!

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me | Green Valley Book Fair

Our next class novels will be “The Giraffe, the Pelly, and Me” by Roald Dahl and “Horrible Harry take the Cake” by Suzy Kline.  Please let me know if you would like an alternative assignment for your child.

Horrible Harry Takes the Cake by Suzy Kline


Dear R.B. Hunt Parents,
Since 2021, R.B. Hunt Elementary has implemented a schoolwide program for behavior interventions
called Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). PBIS is a framework that, according to
national research, enhances student quality of life and reduces problem behaviors. By establishing
this framework, we are developing skills, making changes to the school environment, acknowledging
appropriate behavior, and using data to identify supports for our students. As a PBIS school, we
demonstrate a commitment to positive and equitable outcomes for all students.
At R.B. Hunt Elementary, we are committed to creating a learning environment where every student
is recognized and rewarded for positive behavior. The R.B. Hunt expectations, known as S.H.I.N.E.
are embedded in all settings including the classroom, cafeteria, hallways, outside, restrooms, buses
and extended day. At R.B. Hunt, we S.H.I.N.E. by:
• S: Making Safe Choices
• H: Having Respect
• I: Including Others
• N: Noticing Feelings
• E: Engaging in School
We will continue to use LiveSchool this year, an app that will help us share behavior feedback with
you and your child. Your student will receive positive “Shine Points” in LiveSchool for hard work and
good behavior throughout the school day. Students will receive positive points for meeting the
“S.H.I.N.E.” expectations. Students will also earn points for demonstrating the Character Counts
Pillars – Caring, Responsibility, Fairness, Trustworthiness, Respect, and Citizenship. All teachers and
staff members can award Shine Points in LiveSchool which allows students the opportunity to receive
points in all settings throughout the school day.
This year we’re adopting a new tool from LiveSchool called Recaps that will allow us to deliver all the
information about your child’s behavior via an automatic weekly email sent to you.
We will start sending Recaps on Friday, August 25th and Recaps will deliver to your email every
Friday evening. To participate in Recaps, you’ll need a LiveSchool Parent Account.
• If you already have a LiveSchool Parent Account, you’ll automatically receive the Recaps
• If you don’t yet have a LiveSchool Parent Account, you can sign up for one using the Access
Code Sheet.
We recognize that Recaps emails may provide more details and insight into your child’s behaviors
during the school day. Our school’s focus is on promoting positive behaviors, but you may also see
some behaviors recorded for your child that required redirection from their teacher on the S.H.I.N.E.
behavior expectations. Your child’s points will never be deducted in LiveSchool, even if redirected.
Parents can access all of this information right from your computer or phone by downloading the free
LiveSchool app.
As part of our use of LiveSchool, your child will be able to spend his or her points on various
classroom and schoolwide rewards. We are going to be focusing on positive reinforcement and
encouragement and hope that your child earns lots of exciting rewards! Thank you to our amazing
PTAO for their support with our LiveSchool incentives including the Shine Store, field trips, raffles,
and more!
During the first weeks of school, your student will receive a letter with more information about how to
activate their LiveSchool account and how to activate two parent LiveSchool accounts. We will be
sharing more information about LiveSchool and our schoolwide positive behavior interventions and
supports during Open House.
We will be working hard to make this the best school year yet for your child. If you have any questions
about the LiveSchool program, please feel free to reach out.
Alice Larson
Assistant Principal
[email protected]

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ELA:  Realistic Fiction

Math:  relating multiplication to division

Science:  Mass and Volume

Social Studies: Regions


Thank you for being FOCUSED and DETERMINED this week!

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Important Dates:

  • 8/31:  PTAO meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 9/4:  No school
  • 9/5:  SAC meeting
  • 9/12:  Interims issued
  • 9/21:  PTAO meeting at 6:00 pm
  • 9/26:  Open House
  • 10/13:  end of 1st quarter
  • 10/16:  Teacher planning day – no school for students
  • 10/19:  PTA meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 10/24:  Character Counts program @ 9:00
  • 10/27:  Fall Festival, Parade of Characters


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly!

Check H.A.C and weekly

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on August 21 – 25

August 14-18

Taco 'Bout a Great Class! {Editable Back to School Display} | Shop Lucky Learning with Molly Lynch


32 We did it Vector Images | Depositphotos

Kudos to students for making it through their first full academic week in 3rd grade!  I was blown away by everyone’s focus and stamina.  3rd grade is a BIG jump and these kiddo’s made it look easy.  😉  I hope you find some time this weekend to celebrate their efforts!

Cartoon Oops Images - Free Download on Freepik

A mistake was made in my original flipbook you took home at Meet the Teacher.  Tiffany Hogan is our Room Parent this year.  She will be in touch soon with important information.  🙂

IELTS Prep: Is It Useful to Memorize? - Magoosh Blog — IELTS® Exam

Please help your child memorize their username and password for computer access.  This info can be found on the back of their red folder.  They will need this to log into any computer on campus as well as logging into Clever.  The faster they memorize this, the faster they can get to work.  Thanks for your help!

Don't You Forget About Me : Section 101

Don’t forget to pack a delicious and nutritious snack daily.  We eat “brunch” at 10:30 and students are ravenous by the afternoon.  Please also be mindful of the allergies in our class.  A note was sent home last week from the nurse.  Email me with any questions or concerns.

Muggie Maggie - Wikipedia

We are currently reading Muggie Maggie by Beverly Cleary as our class novel.  Please let me know if you would like me to provide an alternative assignment for your child. 

eSchoolPlus Home Access Center (HAC) – St. Johns County School District

eSchoolPlus Home Access Center (HAC)

Students took their first formative assessment in ELA today.  The tests will go home in their red folder and I will input their grades into HAC this afternoon.  Please keep up with this weekly to make sure your child is on track so there are no surprises when report cards go out. If you need any help logging into HAC, please contact Wendy Thurston at the front office.  Her email is:   [email protected] 

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ELA:  Folktales

Math:  relating multiplication to repeated addition, multiplication on a number line, arrays

Science:  Properties of matter

Social Studies: Map skills


Thank you for being on task and helpful this week!

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Important Dates:

  • 8/31:  PTAO meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 9/4:  No school
  • 9/5:  SAC meeting
  • 9/12:  Interims issued
  • 9/21:  PTAO meeting at 6:00 pm
  • 9/26:  Open House
  • 10/13:  end of 1st quarter
  • 10/16:  Teacher planning day – no school for students
  • 10/19:  PTA meeting @ 8:45 am
  • 10/24:  Character Counts program @ 9:00
  • 10/27:  Fall Festival, Parade of Characters


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly!

Check H.A.C and weekly

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on August 14-18

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Ready to rock 3rd grade" Sticker for Sale by purpleblobart | Redbubble
Meet the teacher – August 9th 9:00 – 11:00!  I can’t wait to meet you!
Amazon Teacher Wish List: How To Set Up and Share
Image result for importance of reading images
Please check your child’s red folder every day.  He/she will be expected to read a  minimum of 20 minutes per night.  There will  be additional math homework assignments, but THE MOST IMPORTANT habit your child can develop for academic success is to set aside a consistent time for independent reading every day.  They should have a book on their level from our Media Center at all times.  Once they have finished reading it, they will be expected to take the AR quiz before checking out another book.  If your child is absent, please call the school or email me, so I can prepare their make-up assignments.
When he/she asks, “Why can’t I skip my 20 minutes of reading tonight?”, please consider the following –
Student A reads 20 minutes, five nights of every week;
Student B reads only 4 minutes a night…or not at all!
Step 1:  Multiply minutes a night X 5 times each week.
Student A reads 20 min. X 5 times a week = 100 minutes minutes a week;
Student B reads 4 min. X 5 times a week = 20 minutes.
Step 2:  Multiply minutes a week X 4 times each month.
Student A reads 400 minutes a month;
Student B reads 80 minutes a month.
Step 3:  Multiply minutes a month X 9 months.
Student A reads 3,600 minutes in a school year;
Student B reads 720 min. in a school year.
Student A practices reading the equivalent of 10 whole school days a year.
Student B gets the equivalent of only 2 school days of reading practice.
By the end of 6th grade if Student A and Student B maintain these same reading habits, Student A will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days, while Student B will have read the equivalent of only 12 school days.  One would expect the gap of information retained will have widened considerably and so, undoubtedly, will school performance.  How do you think Student B will feel about him/herself as a student?
Some questions to ponder:
Which student would you expect to read better?
Which student would you expect to know more?
Which student would you expect to write better?
Which student would you expect to have a better vocabulary?
Which student would you expect to be more successful in school…and in life?
Image result for happy life images

Homework for Life

Find something useful to do for someone else.

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May 1 – 5

Swim Week!

Vector Illustration Of Kid Swimming Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 97422646.

May 8, 9, 10, 11: Solomon Calhoun Pool

  • Please send children to school IN their bathing suits with a school appropriate cover-up
  • Sun block applied at home
  • Pack a swim bag with a plastic bag for wet bathing suits, a towel, water bottle, and change of clothing (including underwear!)
  • Goggles are permitted (and encouraged!)
  • A quality, nutritional snack for the afternoon – they are always STARVING when we return!

Stay Humble In All You Do At Work - Bruce L. Hartman - Asheville, NC

Phew!  What a week!  We packed in a FAST Reading assessment, FAST Math assessment, and a Math Summative.  I am SO proud of my class and their work ethic.  They came in each day with their “game face” on and their hard work paid off!  I will send home results as soon as I get the “ok!” from administration!

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Social Studies: TESTING WEEK


Thank you for being so helpful with our tadpoles and working hard this week!

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Important Dates:

5/8 – 5/11:  SWIM WEEK!

5/19:  *Optional* Bowling field trip (if your child has enough SHINE points to purchase – ask your child about this!)

5/22:  Mega Party (Don’t forget 2 pairs of socks!  1 for the bounce houses and another pair to change into after!) and Class Party – a sign up Genius will be going out soon!

5/23:  *Optional* Putt Putt field trip (if your child has enough SHINE points to purchase – ask your child about this!) Bring a book and beach towel to school!

5/24:  Game day!  Bring a board game to share with the class!

5/25:  Last day of school and Movie Day!  Early release at 1:50.


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly.  End 4th quarter STRONG!

Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on May 1 – 5

April 24 – 28

Stay Calm and Rock the Test by Enchanted with Technology | TPT

On Tuesday and Thursday your child will take the F.A.S.T Reading and Math test.  Your child is 100% prepared academically.  I need your help in the following ways:

  • Make sure your child gets a good night sleep the night before
  • Make sure your child gets a delicious and nutritious breakfast – think protein and fruit!
  • Make sure your child gets to school on time!  Students who arrive after 8:45 will not be allowed to go to the classroom and will need to test on a different day.
  • ENCOURAGE THEM!  Remind them to take their time, double-check their work, and that THEY GOT THIS!

Tadpole Cartoon Images – Browse 1,104 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

A HUGE thank you to our room parent, Amber Halcrow for donating an aquarium with tadpoles and all the necessities to go with it!  Students are really enjoying watching the tadpoles progress through the life cycle.  We are so grateful for your generosity! 🙂

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ELA:  Review

Math:  Review

Science:  Life cycles

Social Studies: Review


Thank you for working hard and being FOCUSED this week!

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Important Dates:

5/2:  F.A.S.T Reading Test!

5/4:  F.A.S.T Math Test!

5/8 – 5/11:  SWIM WEEK!

5/25:  Last day of school


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly.  End 4th quarter STRONG!

Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on April 24 – 28

April 17 – 21

20,100+ Boot Camp Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free ...

This week and next week students will be rotating between the 6 3rd grade classrooms to review the POWER standards in ELA and Math to prepare for F.A.S.T testing.  Please make sure your child arrives on time so they don’t miss any of this important instruction!

Scholastic Book Fair – Oscar Smith Middle School

Our class will visit the Book Fair on Tuesday, April 25th from 2:00-2:40.  Double-check with your child to make sure you both agree on the books they will purchase! 🙂

90 Woohoo Stock Vector Illustration and Royalty Free Woohoo Clipart

Congratulations to Nuala for winning the Poetry Contest in 3rd grade!  We are SO proud!

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ELA:  Review

Math:  Review

Science:  reflection and refraction continued

Social Studies: Branches of government continued


Thank you for being thoughtful and polite this week!

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Important Dates:

5/2:  F.A.S.T Reading Test!

5/3:  F.A.S.T Math Test!

5/8 – 5/11:  SWIM WEEK!

5/25:  Last day of school


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly.  End 4th quarter STRONG!

Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on April 17 – 21

April 10 – 14

April Showers Bring May Flowers: Is it accurate? – The Hilltopper


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ELA:  Fables

Math:  multiplying by double and triple digits

Science:  reflection and refraction

Social Studies: Branches of government


Thank you for being considerate and caring this week!

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Important Dates:

4/27:  PTAO meeting at 8:45

5/2:  F.A.S.T Reading Test!

5/3:  F.A.S.T Math Test!

5/8 – 5/11:  SWIM WEEK!

5/25:  Last day of school


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly.  End 4th quarter STRONG!

Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on April 10 – 14

April 3 – 6

Download Spring Pictures: Royalty-Free Spring Images


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ELA:  Historical Fiction

Math:  Associative property, multiplicative patterns

Science:  Forms of Energy continued

Social Studies: Government continued


Thank you for turning in quality work and be PRECISE this week!

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Important Dates:

4/7:  No school

4/10:  No school

4/27:  PTAO meeting at 8:45

5/8 – 5/11:  SWIM WEEK!

5/25:  Last day of school


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly.  End 4th quarter STRONG!

Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

Posted in News | Comments Off on April 3 – 6