Author Archives: Meghan Saxon

August 28 – September 2

Save the Date!  Open House – September 20th 5:30-7:30! Academics: ELA:   Realistic fiction and  and inflectional endings continued Math:   Skip counting by 2, 5, and 10; multiplication patterns Science:  Scientific Method and experimentation Social Studies:  Region Project Sutton Thank you for being … Continue reading

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August 22-26

A.R. projected start date is September 1st!  Hooray! Academics: ELA:   Theme continued and inflectional endings – s, es, ies Math:   Explore multiplication of 2 whole numbers with product 0-144, and related division facts, Unit 1 review and test Science:  Scientific Method … Continue reading

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August 15 – 19

I will send home your child’s STAR reading results today.  Please encourage your child to choose a book at the higher end of their ZPD to increase their reading level. I submitted our first formative Reading test results to HAC.  … Continue reading

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First week success!

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 315 this week: What an amazing, but busy first week of school.  For the next few weeks, I will be assessing your child’s math and reading levels.  When testing is complete, I’d … Continue reading

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Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Meet the teacher – August 9th 8:30 – 11:30!  I can’t wait to see all your beautiful faces! Homework Please check your child’s planner every day.  He/she will be expected to read a  minimum of 20 minutes per night.  There … Continue reading

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May 23 – 27

The end of the year always brings bittersweet emotions for me.  As a class, we have grown into a family and saying good-bye is never easy.  I can assure you that I have LOVED being your child’s 3rd grade teacher … Continue reading

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May 16 – 20

We played hard today, but lost to Mrs. Aunchman’s class.  We will try again next week! We had a BLAST swimming!! A huge thanks to Coach Zeagler for planning it and to PTAO for funding it!  I am requesting $3 … Continue reading

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May 9-13

Next week is Swim Week!  Hooray!  Here are a few reminders: Please send children to school IN their bathing suits with a school appropriate cover-up Sun block applied at home Pack a swim bag with a plastic bag for wet … Continue reading

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May 2 – 6

Thank you for covering me with prizes this week!  I was feeling the love BIG time!  In all honesty, your greatest gift came to me each day in class.  Sending a child to school who is rested, loved, and prepared … Continue reading

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April 25 – 29

Our End-of-the-Year Class luncheon and Awards will be Wednesday, June 1st from 11:30-12:45.  Parents are welcome to join us celebrate the 2021-2022 school year! i-Ready Reading testing is May 3-4th.  Encourage your child to do their best!  They’ve got this!  … Continue reading

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