Gifted services are designed to support students in setting and pursuing personal, academic, and career goals. These services will assist students in developing the understanding and skills necessary to successfully lead or participate in groups as they set and achieve personal and individual/group goals. Services are provided at each of the SJC schools.
Educational Plans
Educational Plans (EPs) are written for every identified gifted student. Plans describe the goals and services to be provided for the gifted student. Plans are written for three-year periods in grades K-8 and four-year periods in grades 9-12. Progression plans are written at the end of elementary school and middle school. Gifted students who also have other exceptionalities will have IEPs updated annually.
Elementary School Gifted Services
St. Johns County elementary schools are excellent places for gifted students. A wide variety of gifted services are available to best meet each student’s needs. Classroom teachers who are gifted endorsed work to differentiate gifted students based on abilities, interests, and needs. In addition to what the classroom teacher provides, every school is staffed with a gifted itinerant teacher who provides resources and consultative services for students, parents, and teachers. Social skills lessons focus on topics ranging from self-esteem to perseverance in whole groups, small groups, or one-on-one settings. These lessons frequently include literacy activities, logical thinking puzzles, and STEM challenges. Itinerant gifted teachers provide for gifted students to meet their social skill needs and academic needs. If you have any questions about services available at your child’s elementary school, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s gifted itinerant teacher or classroom teacher.
Middle School: At each middle school, gifted students benefit from a differentiated classroom learning experience and are served by gifted-endorsed teachers in their subject area classes. The specific makeup of these blended classrooms varies from school to school based on the number of identified students and the individual schools’ needs and resources. Additionally, Itinerant gifted teachers work with students and teachers in various ways at all of our district middle schools to help meet the needs of each gifted learner. Middle school students will experience multiple services, from differentiation in core classes to one-on-one consultations, parent/teacher conference support, quarterly meetings, pull-out services during elective courses, and more. Itinerant teachers work with gifted-endorsed teachers to consult on curriculum needs, Educational Plans (EP), and social skill concerns. The program continues to grow and evolve as the needs of students are evaluated at each school.
High School: Services for high school students are designed to support them in setting and pursuing personal, academic, and career goals. High school students’ needs are met through the consultation service delivery model. The gifted and general education teachers collaborate to ensure that the gifted student succeeds in accomplishing their gifted goals as outlined in their Educational Plan (EP). Gifted itinerant consultative teachers work with students individually and in small groups on social skill lessons. They provide one-on-one consultation and focus on listening, problem-solving, and celebrating success. They monitor student achievement progress and work to develop strategies to help students advocate for themselves.
Additionally, they work with school counselors to address stress management and anxiety issues when needed. Students are provided opportunities to participate in small group activities that lead to discussions, self-awareness, and thinking about their future. Students work on goal setting and action plans, time management, and building resumes in preparation for college and careers. Most importantly, the door is always open for students!