Gifted Minute Vol. 2

Hello Gifted Students and Families

Hoping that everyone has had a wonderful first few weeks of school!

  Important upcoming dates/events:

  • Labor Day- Holiday on September 4
  • Interims Issued on September 12
  • First Quarter Ends on October 13
  • Teacher Planning Day – Student Holiday on October 16
  • Report Cards Issued on Oct 24

Gifted Minute: Vol. 2

Hello Gifted Families,

Your student is enrolled in a Schoology course for their grade level. Please make sure they have logged in and can access their gifted course.  Weekly I post activities and resources with different topics related to giftedness.

This quarter I have added activities and resources about gratitude, procrastination, positive thinking, failure, facing difficulty, and perseverance.

One the horizon for GRMS students, we will be looking at your child’s goals and the vision they hold for their future. Encompassed in this will be many activities which will culminate with an end of year vision board!

Menendez students, consults are filling up! Students can schedule meetings with me by stopping by my office (Pedro Menendez High School OFFICE Room #160 in the Media Center, through this website, their Schoology course by clicking the SIGNUP icon or DM me, Google Text: 904-325-6577,  or directly online at:

General consults topics this month will focus on organization, time management, and grit- helping students empower themselves to get off to a great school year!

I am also here to help families 😊 Parents, if you have a question or concern, please feel free to reach out! Email is the fastest way of communication!

Looking forward to a great year!

“Beginnings, endings, and middles all deserve attention and kindness.”
― Kendra Adachi, The Lazy Genius Way

Thank you for taking a “mintue” to read this!


Jaci Racano

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