Capturing Kids Hearts

Capturing Kids' Hearts Foundation

Pine Island Academy is a Capturing Kids Hearts school!

(The following information is obtained from the Capturing Kids Hearts Overview Flyer)

“Capturing Kids Hearts” shows teachers how to create high-achieving centers of learning by strengthening students’ connectedness to others through enhancing healthy bonds with their teachers and establishing collaborative agreements of acceptable behavior.  Here are just a few of the positive outcomes:

  • build meaningful, productive relationships with every student
  • consistent rules of conduct, with reduced disciplinary escalations and referrals
  • dramatic reduction in truancy and dropouts
  • reduced negative behaviors
  • significant improvement in student academic performance
  • district-wide improvements in test scores
  • develop self-managing, high-performing classrooms utilizing a Social Contract

How do we use CK❤ in this classroom??

Hand Signals 4 Questions Social Contract
On a typical day in the computer science classroom we will introduce a new skill/topic or review a previous skill/topic and then as a class there will be independent or group work completed to reinforce the skill/topic discussed or taught. If the class begins to get off-track, the following 4 questions will be asked of all students as a reminder that we need to be working.

  1. What are you doing?
  2. What are you supposed to be doing?
  3. Are you doing it?
  4. What are you going to do about it?

If an individual student continues to be unfocused on their work, the same questions will be asked of the student in a private manner.

If an individual student remains unfocused they will be asked again, but a consequence will be assigned; contact home, lunch detention, etc.

If the behavior continues to be a problem, the student will “behave-out” of the classroom and face administrative consequences.


We come together as a class (each class period has a separate contract) and discuss the following questions:

  1. How do you want to be treated by me (the leader)?
  2. How do you want to be treated by each other?
  3. How do you think I (the leader) wants to be treated by you?
  4. How do you want to treat each other when there is a conflict?

From the responses to these questions we develop our social contract for that class. I strongly encourage all students (and classroom visitors) to sign our Social Contract in acknowledgement of our classroom expectations.

We proudly display our social contract in the classroom!

We use our Social Contract in conjunction with LiveSchool! Students will earn daily LiveSchool points based on adherence to the social contract.