All SJCSD schools and district offices will be CLOSED tomorrow and will reopen on Tuesday, September 6. All Friday night and Saturday activities including athletic events are canceled. Please check the district webstite for any additional updates.

Be safe.  – Mrs. Saxon

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August 22-26


Two fabulous books we read this week – The Golden Rule by Ilene Cooper and The Name Jar by Yangsook

These books were great reminders to do unto others as you would have them do unto you as well as beautiful examples of love and acceptance. 

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 217 this week:



ELA:  We began Magic Treehouse’s Hour of the Olympics.  Students had great conversations comparing Rio’s Olympic Games vs. the first Olympic games in Greece.  We were also surprised by how much stayed the same!  Our reading block also introduced “Read to Self” and “Work on Writing”.   These activities were completed independently.  Students picked “JUST RIGHT” books for their book bins and practiced writing in their journal.  Lastly, we wrapped up our first vocab lesson with Wordly Wise and went over expectations for their vocab journal which will be taking the place of traditional spelling tests.

Writing:  “Free-wheeling” sketches like author/illustrator Donald Crews were practiced this week while we wrote stories with partners and continued writing various narratives.

Math:  Students were stretched to the limit with their number sense this week.  We took chapter 1 test on Number Concepts and will begin Numbers to 1,000 next week.  Practice counting backward, by two’s, fives, ten’s, and recognizing number patterns on number charts!

Social Studies: We discussed weather/climate as well as Earth’s precious resources – natural, renewable, and nonrenewable.


Students of the week:

Brooke and Jaxon

Thank you for being exceptionally hard-working and taking initiative this week!


Important Dates: 

9/1 – Scholastic orders due

9/5 – Labor Day – No school

9/12 – Interims sent home

9/15 – 2nd Grade Open House 6 – 7:30



  • We are still collecting box tops!
  • If your child needs a new library bag please send in $1 to purchase one from Ms. Gorick.  Otherwise, please send in a bag from home.  The plastic bags are SUPER noisy in the hallways and break easily.
  • Please be sure to add your current email address to the RB Hunt Peacher Flyer Distribution on RB Hunt’s website.  Here is more information on this AWESOME transition:

St. Johns County School District is moving away from printed flyers to a new electronic system. Our district and each school now has its own online area where flyers will be posted.

This “green” initiative will save our schools tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. On top of that, posting school flyers electronically removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff and volunteers. 

No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email from Peachjar that includes a username and password. This is provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flyer delivery preferences. You do not need to login to receive or view school eflyers.

This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.

More information about this initiative is available when you click the Peachjar Eflyers button on the district’s and RB Hunt’s website homepage or visit

  • VOLUNTEER INFORMATION WILL GO HOME NEXT WEEK!  I appreciate you giving me the first full month with your students to establish crucial rituals/routines.  I look forward to your help!

  • Vocabulary journals went home this week.  Assignment is due September 9th.  Instructions are in the journal.
  • A yellow or green folder went home this weekend with your child.  Please go over tests, sign, and return tests Monday. 
  • Junie B. Jones the Musical is playing at Limelight Theatre October 1, 8, 15, and 22nd!  You can purchase tickets here:

    Have a stupendous weekend.  Go outside, play board games with your family, and enjoy our beautiful city! 


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August 15-19

class pic 3 crazy kids

We had a great first FULL week of school.  We stayed BUSY and time flew by!  I REALLY enjoyed reading your parent letters to me about your child.  I learned so much and appreciate your input.



In Math we focused on even and odd numbers, place value, different forms of numbers, standard expanded, and word.  We will take our first math test next week.  In Reading, we focused on wh questions – who, what, when, where, and why.  Our word study/language focus was on long and short vowel sounds as well as nouns.  We also wrapped up Junie B. Jones Cheater Pants class novel this week.  We will begin Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics next week.  I look forward to some meaningful conversations!  In Writing we enjoyed getting comfortable with our writing community, writing a few pieces, and sharing!  Social Studies focus was on maps and globes.


Students of the week:

Belle and Ennis 

Thank you for being task-masters and SUPER responsible this week!


Important Dates: 

8/25 – PTAO meeting

8/26 –  Summer Reading Party

9/1 – Scholastic orders due

9/5 – Labor Day – No school

9/12 – Interims sent home



  • AR has officially kicked off!  The students have been taking quizzes like crazy!  Please encourage your child to only take tests on current books they have read.  Be sure to check out their score through home access! 
  • You may also access Math Facts in a Flash through home access. This is a great program to encourage math fluency – PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS!
  • Got Box Tops?  Box tops give our school a TON of money!  Ask grandparents, family members, and neighbors to pitch in as well!  Please send them in with your child.
  • If your child needs a new library bag please send in $1 to purchase one from Ms. Gorick.
  • A vocabulary journal will be going home next week.  Information will be inside the journal so keep an eye out for it.
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Stellar Second Grade

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(Pictured above – All about Me flip books, Puzzle “PEACE” community building, Interview and Introduce)

What a STELLAR first week of SECOND GRADE!

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of the students in class this week.  They are a great bunch!  Rituals/Routines and expectations were covered this week as well as some getting to know you activities and community building.  We even started a few academic areas! Students are really enjoying our first class novel – Junie B. Jones Cheater Pants.  We even one the Spirit Award today for wearing the most RB Hunt shirts!  We have a great crew – I am one lucky teacher.

Some updates/reminders

  1.   Nut allergy – You MAY send your child with peanut butter to lunch.  If they eat anything nut-related though they will need to immediately wash their hands afterward.  Please emphasize the importance of this at home.  I will be sure to remind students at school.
  2. Snack – Please pack a healthy snack with your student every day.  I prefer these to NOT contain nuts to keep our classroom nut-free.  Some examples are grapes, goldfish, gummies, etc.
  3.   Homework goes home Monday.  I will send homework for the entire week and collect it on Friday.  Please get in the habit of having your child read at least 20 minutes every night.  Readers are leaders.
  4. If you DO NOT want your child’s picture displayed on this website please contact me.  If I do not hear from you by next week, I will assume I am cleared to display their picture.  
  5. I will contact volunteers after the first month of school.  The first few weeks are CRITICAL.  As soon as I feel comfortable all students know expectations I will send home information.  Trust me, I’d love the help!
  6. Please don’t forget to turn in a red, yellow, and green folder as well as 2 highlighters and red pens.  

That is all for now.  Have an awesome weekend! 

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Welcome to Mrs. Saxon’s 2nd Grade Class!



Welcome to Mrs. Saxon’s 2nd grade Class!

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Dear Parents and Students,
Please check for weekly updates on the right hand side of this page, and/or subscribe to my blog for automatic email updates and gentle reminders about class/school activities.
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Please check your child’s planner every day.  He/she will be expected to read a  minimum of 20 minutes per night.  There will occasionally be additional homework assignments, but THE MOST IMPORTANT habit your child can develop for academic success is to set aside a consistent time for independent reading every day.  They should have a book on their level from our Media Center at all times.  Once they have finished reading it, they will be expected to take the AR quiz before checking out another book.  If your child is absent, please call the school or email me, so I can prepare their make-up assignments.
When he/she asks, “Why can’t I skip my 20 minutes of reading tonight?”, please consider the following –
Student A reads 20 minutes, five nights of every week;
Student B reads only 4 minutes a night…or not at all!
Step 1:  Multiply minutes a night X 5 times each week.
Student A reads 20 min. X 5 times a week = 100 minutes minutes a week;
Student B reads 4 min. X 5 times a week = 20 minutes.
Step 2:  Multiply minutes a week X 4 times each month.
Student A reads 400 minutes a month;
Student B reads 80 minutes a month.
Step 3:  Multiply minutes a month X 9 months.
Student A reads 3,600 minutes in a school year;
Student B reads 720 min. in a school year.
Student A practices reading the equivalent of 10 whole school days a year.
Student B gets the equivalent of only 2 school days of reading practice.
By the end of 6th grade if Student A and Student B maintain these same reading habits, Student A will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days, while Student B will have read the equivalent of only 12 school days.  One would expect the gap of information retained will have widened considerably and so, undoubtedly, will school performance.  How do you think Student B will feel about him/herself as a student?
Some questions to ponder:
Which student would you expect to read better?
Which student would you expect to know more?
Which student would you expect to write better?
Which student would you expect to have a better vocabulary?
Which student would you expect to be more successful in school…and in life?
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Homework for Life

website pictures

Homework for Life

Find something useful to do for someone else.

Find something to admire in someone you don’t like.

Find something to celebrate, to laugh about.
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