August 21 – 25

Happy Birthday to Wyatt! 

Practicing sketching outside

What a MEMORABLE and EXCITING day Monday was watching the Solar Eclipse!

CONGRATULATIONS TO ELI, LILY S., EDDIE, AND AIDEN for earning their chains of success!  These students will be pictured next week.  🙂

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 217 this week:



ELA:  We finished reading Junie B. Jones Cheater Pants.  Students had the opportunity to take an A.R. test on this book as well as many other books this week!  Our reading block also  focused on main idea and finding key details in texts to help support our conclusions.

Writing:  This week students continued practicing narratives about our family, sketching, and sharing stories with our partners.

Math:  Students wrapped up Number Concepts and took Chapter 1 test.  Next week we will begin studying numbers to 1,000!

Science/Social Studies:   Eclipse, Maps.


Students of the week:

Aiden and Alianna

Thank you for persevering and showing LEADERSHIP this week!


Important Dates: 

8/31 – PTAO meeting for Room Parents

9/1 – Scholastic orders due

9/4 – Labor Day – No school

9/12 – Interims sent home

9/21 – PTAO meeting at 3:10

9/26 – Fun Run Kick-Off and Picture Day

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  • We are collecting box tops!  Please send them in!  Ask friends and neighbors to join in as well!

    Have an exceptional weekend!


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