February 18 – 21

Flashback Friday

Husky Fun Run - Boosterthon | About the District

Boosterthon is up and RUNNING!  We have many fun class incentives to earn the more pledges we get.  Money earned will go to putting in some much needed TURF on our soccer field.  These kids play hard!  Our class will run Friday, February 28th from 9:15-10:15.  We’d love to have you cheer us on!  

Charlotte's Web [Book]

We finished Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White!  Our next class novel will be Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED | Merry Merry Quite Contrary how does the story go?

Reminder – Our Media Specialist, Ms. Nehemias is challenging all students to read some “classics” this month to earn a brag tag – these titles include:  Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell, Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Matilda by Roald Dahl, and Charolotte’s Web by E.B. White.  Our next class novel will be Where the Red Fern Grows, so we will be covering 2 of these books in class!  Please encourage your child to read the others!

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ELA: Drama, homophones

Math: Comparing Fractions, measurement, and capacity

Science:  Engineering Process

Social Studies: The Constitution


Thank you for being organized and helpful this week!

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  • 2/28:  Boosterthon FUN RUN – 9:15-10:15
  • 3/13:  Field Day
  • 3/14:  Teacher Planning Day
  • 3/17 – 3/21:  Spring Break


*PLEASE encourage  your child to read nightly!

Check H.A.C and weekly

We wear RED on Friday

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