Congratulations to these students who made it 24 hours wearing a broccoli necklace!
We focused on reflecting and setting goals for 2025! Ask your child what they hope to achieve!
This week we read “Be a Perfect Person in just Three Days” by Stephen Manes. This was more of a cautionary tale than a manual. Take-away: It is OK to be imperfect because being imperfect is what keeps life interesting! 😉
ELA: Realistic Fiction; abbreviations
Math: subtraction strategies with regrouping; estimating differences
Science: Stars
Social Studies: Cultures that have settled in the U.S, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean; goal-setting
Thank you for being helpful and consistent week!
1/16: Report Cards issued
1/20: MLK – No school
1/23: PTAO meeting at 8:45
2/12: Early release resumes – dismissal at 1:50
2/13: V-day cards celebration (I will send home class names closer to the date!)
2/14: Teacher In-service – No school for students
2/17: No school
3/13: Field Day
3/14: Teacher Planning Day
3/17 – 3/21: Spring Break
*PLEASE encourage your child to read nightly!
Check H.A.C and weekly
We wear RED on Friday
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