August 22-26

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin Powell

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A.R. projected start date is September 1st!  Hooray!

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ELA:   Theme continued and inflectional endings – s, es, ies

Math:   Explore multiplication of 2 whole numbers with product 0-144, and related division facts, Unit 1 review and test

Science:  Scientific Method

Social Studies:  Continents and oceans


Thank you for being responsible and thinking outside the box this week.

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Important Dates:

September 5th:  Labor Day – No school

September 13th:  Interims issued (via HAC)

September 15th:  School pictures (individual)

September 20th:  Open House 5:30-7:30.  Please join us!

September 22nd:  PTAO meeting at 8:45 am


Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!

We wear RED on Friday!

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