April 24-28

Students wearing their broccoli necklaces after reading “How to be a Perfect Person in Just 3 Days”.  We had 4 students officially wear it for 24 hours.  I heard some hysterical stories involving dogs eating their necklace or their parents having them wrap the broccoli in tin foil while they slept!  HA!

This book had a great moral for students! Perfection is SO boring!

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 217 this week:



ELA:  review, began class novel How to be a Person in Just Three Days by Stephen Manes, watched the original and updated Charlotte’s Web movies to do a triple comparison!

Writing:  wrote thank you letters to Amphitheater for new water bottles and water fountains, poems for poem-in-your-pocket day

Math:  review

Social Studies:  Economics


Students of the week:

Nolan and Honora


5/2:  Swim Field trip forms DUE.  If you need support financially or don’t plan to have your child attend, please let me know ASAP so I can make arrangements. 

5/8-5/11:  Swimming Days

5/11:  Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast


5/19:  *DATE CHANGE!*  Class party – 11:00-12:30.

5/19:  Variety Show- GRADES 3 – 5 (We will be part of the audience!)

5/22:  Book/Beach Towel Day!

5/23:  Game Day!

5/24:  Movie Day, last day of school, Report Cards sent home


  • Reminders:
  • No homework next week!  Students have worked incredibly hard this week and have earned a well deserved break!  As always, reading is non-negotiable!  🙂
  • DE results will go home next week! 
  • On May 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th our class will be having swim lessons.  The lessons will be from 11:00-12:00 at the Solomon Calhoun Pool.  Please read the following information: 

-Please send your child to school with their bathing suit ON, with clothing over-top.  (We will have resource before leaving.)

-Be sure your child has a change of clothes in a bag (for after the lessons).  Include undergarments, socks, a brush, whatever your child may need

– Send a towel with your child

– Apply sunscreen prior to school

– We will be having lunch back at school, in cafeteria.

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