October 31st – November 4th

Fire 3 Fire 4 Fire 2 fire 1

Fire prevention program at school on Monday!  Ask your child to show you the correct way to STOP! DROP! AND ROLL!

Emi's Mom

Thank you to Emi’s Mom, Elena Laguardia, for being our Mystery Reader this week!  We enjoyed having you!

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 217 this week:



ELA:  Students practiced STAMINA this week while reading their novels of choice for D.E.A.R.  We will continue our class novels next week.  Our reading block also reviewed alphabetical order and introduced dictionaries!  Students enjoyed scanning through to find new words and using guide words to help discover them quickly.  Some students shared they definitely preferred the Websters online dictionary over the “old school” way.  Ha!   We also read the Big, Bushy Mustache and compared and contrasted traits in a fictional vs. non-fictional story.   Lastly, we took our Lesson 7 Wordly Wise test.

Writing:  We continued to read some incredible fictional animal stories this week  such as Beardream and Ducky.  Students were challenged to write their own realistic fictional story including ideas from their own lives.

Math:  Whew!  Math has been interesting this week.  We began subtracting numbers that required borrowing from the tens place.  We have taken the advice from the Tortoise and Hare and remembered slow and steady wins the race.  Challenge your child with some subtraction facts this weekend that require regrouping such as:




Social Studies – Native Americans

Enrichment:  We played a fun game from Tin Man Press called “Play by the Rules.”


Students of the week:

Stella and Nicholas

Thank you for showing kindness and extra effort this week!


Important Dates:

11/7:  Colonial Presentation – In school field trip

11/7:  Turkey in disguise take-home project due

11/11 – No school

11/22- Thanksgiving dessert at 2:00

11/22 – Mrs. Saxon’s last day before maternity leave.

11/23-25 – Thanksgiving Break



  •   I am still missing 1 report card envelope!
  • Turkey’s in disguise are due Monday, November 7th!
  •  I hope you received the letter regarding my maternity leave.  Mrs. Streit is a certified teacher who previously taught 2nd grade.  She took a break from teaching in St. Johns County to help her husband with their farm in Costa Rica for part of the year.  She continued to sub when she returned to St. Augustine the second part of the year.  The students have worked with her a few times and I am certain she will do a phenomenal job until I return.  I spent A LOT of time and effort creating 12 weeks of plans to help keep our classroom running as usual.  As sad as I am to leave this great group of kids, I know this is an important time for me to be with my family.  I plan to return March 1st.
  • Students have placed the remainder of  Wordly Wise vocab job directions in their journals.  They will be due the beginning of each month and will add the vocab they are currently working on that month.
  • Congratulations to the following students for having PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the month of September:  Brooke, Ennis, Caenan, Nicholas, Leta, Nolan, Emi, Honora, Stella, Sam, Gaby!!  WOO! HOO!  October did not count due to the hurricane.
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