October 24-28


skeleton parade 2 parade

We had so much fun at the Character Parade today!  Thank you for sending in items for our Halloween celebration!  The students really enjoyed our Halloween celebration – thank you for contributing items to make this happen.  I hope to see everyone tonight at the Fall Festival!  It is going to be a blast!

mystery reader

Thank you to Mrs. Leth for being our Mystery Reader and for all your hard work in making our booth at Fall festival a success!  We couldn’t do it without all our amazing parent volunteers! 


Thank you for all the donations for our class party!  Everyone had a great time!

What LEARNING and GROWING went on in room 217 this week:



ELA:  We have officially wrapped up Esio Trot by Roald Dahl.  Roald Dahl uses incredible vocab in his books which makes his novels increasingly interesting to read.  Our reading block also introduced alphabetical order which was fun to practice and focused on reading non-fiction stories.   Lastly, we began our lesson 7 Wordly Wise vocab.

Writing:  We read some incredible fiction stories this week involving animals such as Dogzilla, Brave Charlotte, and Honk!  Prima Swanerina.  Students were challenged to write their own fictional animal story that included descriptive language, temporal words, and dialogue.  We are still in the process of writing these creative stories!

Math:  We have completed Chapter 4 in Math and I was incredibly impressed with how well the students took on addition with regrouping.  We even made it to quadruple adding and students were begging for more numbers to add.  What a group of mathematicians!

Social Studies – Native Americans

Enrichment:  Growth vs. Fixed Mindset – for more information:  https://www.mindsetworks.com/science/


Students of the week:

Brooke and Jaxon

Thank you for showing responsibility and integrity this week!


Important Dates:

10/28:  Report Cards sent home  (initial date of 10/24 pushed back due to hurricane)  PLEASE RETURN ENVELOPES ON MONDAY!

10/31:  Book Fair Preview at library – 9:00 am (First class!  Woo hoo!)

11/1:  Re-schedule date for the firefighter presentation

11/4:  Vocab journals due – I have sent home lesson 1-5 words to help find similarities between words in lessons 1-7.  I hope this helps!

11/7:  Colonial Presentation – In school field trip

11/7:  Turkey in disguise take-home project due (more info to come next week!)

11/11 – No school



  • Please return report card envelopes Monday!
  • If you are interested in a conference, please mark so on the envelope or contact me at [email protected]
  • Please remember “P’s” are A.O.K!  We are just beginning 2nd quarter and a lot of 2nd grade standards are PROGRESSING during 1st quarter.  It is a marathon, not a sprint!  🙂
  • One of our goals for our school improvement plan this year is improving absences and tardies.  Please make your best effort to have your child present each day and on time!  Thank you!



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