Stellar Second Grade

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(Pictured above – All about Me flip books, Puzzle “PEACE” community building, Interview and Introduce)

What a STELLAR first week of SECOND GRADE!

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of the students in class this week.  They are a great bunch!  Rituals/Routines and expectations were covered this week as well as some getting to know you activities and community building.  We even started a few academic areas! Students are really enjoying our first class novel – Junie B. Jones Cheater Pants.  We even one the Spirit Award today for wearing the most RB Hunt shirts!  We have a great crew – I am one lucky teacher.

Some updates/reminders

  1.   Nut allergy – You MAY send your child with peanut butter to lunch.  If they eat anything nut-related though they will need to immediately wash their hands afterward.  Please emphasize the importance of this at home.  I will be sure to remind students at school.
  2. Snack – Please pack a healthy snack with your student every day.  I prefer these to NOT contain nuts to keep our classroom nut-free.  Some examples are grapes, goldfish, gummies, etc.
  3.   Homework goes home Monday.  I will send homework for the entire week and collect it on Friday.  Please get in the habit of having your child read at least 20 minutes every night.  Readers are leaders.
  4. If you DO NOT want your child’s picture displayed on this website please contact me.  If I do not hear from you by next week, I will assume I am cleared to display their picture.  
  5. I will contact volunteers after the first month of school.  The first few weeks are CRITICAL.  As soon as I feel comfortable all students know expectations I will send home information.  Trust me, I’d love the help!
  6. Please don’t forget to turn in a red, yellow, and green folder as well as 2 highlighters and red pens.  

That is all for now.  Have an awesome weekend! 

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