Gifted Resource and Curriculum Enrichment
Educating All Learners
Coronavirus is posing unprecedented challenges to public schools around the country. To help ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practice approaches for schools and educators, an alliance of national education organizations has come together to ensure equity for all learners.

The Mindful ME
We are proud to announce and invite you to our brand new organization. An organization dedicated to helping all individuals regardless of age, race, ethnicity, or mental state. This inaugural year is filled with exciting events aimed towards creating a better mental health. This year we are planning several mindfulness summits. These summits will include breakout sessions, TED Talks, listening chairs, and yoga sessions. These summits are focused around our mission statement that started this journey. Which is for all individuals to have a better and healthier lifestyle by introducing stress relieving activities that will increase ones daily livelihood. Funds raised will go towards providing mental health resources throughout the State. This includes producing interactive videos, podcasts, providing local therapists, and future mindfulness events.
Resource Bank for SJCSD teachers
The Gifted Resource and Enrichment teachers have collaborated together to compile a wealth of resources that can be used in your classrooms. Topics range from social emotional lessons to differentiation and beyond.

Supporting our Gifted Learners