Hello from the Bridge Team!
Hoping that everyone has had a wonderful first weekend and ready to start Quarter 2!
Important upcoming dates/events:
October 18th- 2nd quarter begins
October 21- Curriculum and Title 1 Night @ GRMS. 5:30-7:00. Join us for an evening of sharing to help improve student’s success!
October 25- Halloween Spooktacluar Dance! 2-4 @ GRMS. Tickets are $5 [No ISS/OSS] Tickets on sale during lunch this week.
October 23- Report Cards
November 4-Picture Retakes
November 11- No School
October 28 thru Nov 1- Spirit Week
November 25 – 29 Thanksgiving Break: NO SCHOOL
Bridge Connect: Volume 8
- GMRS office hours will be 7:00 am – 2:50 pm, Monday thru Friday.
General Announcements
Please join us Monday October 21st 5:30-7:00 for Curriculum and Title 1 Night: An evening of sharing to improve student academics and improvement.
PARENTS and STUDENTS: Report Cards will be available for viewing on HAC: OCTOBER 23rd
SPIRIT WEEK: October 28th-November 1
Picture Retakes
November 4th
Bridge Program Updates:
Time to Celebrate! Woo Hoo! General Ed. Classes for some of our students have begun! We wish them much success! Student Data on individual goals supports student success in the gen. ed setting. All students will track their data and be able to set goals for this quarter!
Phone Policy: TO BE COLLECTED during breakfast /TURNED OFF AND IN LOCKER/Backpack for the remainder of the day. **If you don’t have a lock or backpack, turn it in! The phones have been an issue, this policy is school wide and will hopefully eliminate further problems with cell phone usage during the school day.
We had a great week with much success! Thank you, parents, for your support with this!
If you are seen with phone out of locker:
- FIRST TIME – give to teacher, no debate, cannot put away at this point, must hand over.
- If you refuse to hand it over, admin/ dean will be called to take it. It will stay in Deans office until the end of the day.
- Home will be contacted
- Repeated issues with phone will result in ISS/Parent having to come and pick up
- Can earn phone time from behavior bucks for lunch time.
Annual IEP meetings will begin at the end of this month. Please take some time and review the current plan with your student. This is a good opportunity to find out from their perspective what they feel is working, what they might need instead. Be on the lookout for an email in regard to meeting. Questions? Please reach out!
- Please check HAC (Home Access Center) grades are updated on Fridays for your child’s classes
As a reminder, Wednesdays are for remediation and enrichment! Fridays have been designated for summative assessments and for the chance for students to show what they know!
- This week’s summative activities will focus on core content material in the form of practice CSA questions. Showing what they know along with test reinforcing test taking strategies
- Students have started quarter 2 Portfolios, which will be a Summative Grade at the end of Quarter 2. A table Of Contents has been added to help student stay on track and organized. The TOC will be filled our daily, with the day’s work. Please ask your child how they are keeping up with their folders.
Social Perspectives
The focus of our program is to teach students alternative behaviors to replace challenging ones, helping students reach their academic and affective learning potential. The goal of the Bridge Program at GRMS is to gradually reintegrate students into the general education setting with minimal support.
Our social perspectives focus this week will be ACCOUNTABILITY! How handling emotions, being kind and communicating needs, making good choices allows us to take accountability for our actions, and what to do when we don’t do our best- how to help ourselves to improve!
Station Rotations
In Learning Strategies, we have implemented Station Rotations. This small group setting allows students to work with peers and adults to ensure they are getting the support they need. Students rotate through an IR station, a Learning Strats. Station, a Novel Study Station and for our Kinesthetic Learners, a Get Up and Move Station. Students will complete a station rotation reflection sheet, daily [formative grade] and turn in on Friday’s [summative grade].
Students have been working hard to earn their behavior bucks! We are focusing on being seated, using kind words and not being loud! Being in seat AND on task! MOST importantly listening, this will help your child with focus and the ability to practice affective and academic learning!
We invite you to come and see your student in ACTION! We’ve worked hard to create an environment where we can focus on social skills, communication, self-regulation and learning!
General News
Please considering donating to our classroom! You can scan the QR code on the homepage for our class wish list. Cold and flu season is upon us, we could you Lysol wipes and tissues! Thank you.
We would love to have parents, family members, who ever would like to help support your child, be part of our learning day. Please contact me at: [email protected]
Explore the below tab for Parent Resources.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Looking forward to a great week!
The Bridge Program at GRMS supports students that have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that includes specific goals in the Social/Emotional Behavior, Independent Functioning and/or Communication domains. Many students also benefit from a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and counseling services.
The focus of our program is to teach students alternative behaviors to replace challenging ones, with data collected to monitor their progress. The ultimate aim of the Bridge Program at GRMS is to gradually reintegrate students into the general education setting with minimal support.
Hello! My name is Jaci Racano, and I am thrilled to be a part of your child’s educational journey. I am originally from Union, New Jersey, in 2004 my family and I moved to Saint Augustine and have considered it home ever since! I hold a bachelor’s degree in History from the University of North Carolina, Greensboro and a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
This is my 28th year in education, with over 10 years of experience in Exceptional Student Education. I am a proud mother of three sons, in my free time, I enjoy spending quality time with my loved ones at the beach, reading books, and playing with our adorable puppies, Frankie, Dino and their friend George.
Should you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me anytime. [email protected]
Please consider donating to our class wish list:
I am looking forward to another great year!
Jaci Racano
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is composed of parents, educators, administrators, business representatives, and other interested community members concerned with the education of students with disabilities.
The purpose of the committee is to provide information to parents and input to district staff regarding our ongoing effort to continuously improve services for students with disabilities.
A link to join these meetings will be emailed prior to meeting date and will be posted on district and school websites.
For more information: Parent Advisory Committee – Exceptional Student Education (ESE) (stjohns.k12.fl.us)