PMHS Students and Parents

Menendez  Parents and Students

Pedro Menendez Financial Aid Presentation night will be held virtually at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, October 26. A financial aid representative from UNF will discuss Financial Aid grants and loans, Bright Futures, and information about completing the FAFSA. The presentation will be recorded if guardians are unable to attend. No preregistration required. Join the meeting at 6:30 PM by clicking the link below.

Click here to join the meeting

ASVAB testing on Nov 4th at 9:30 in the media center.  Any 10th-12th grader interested must sign up in guidance.  ASVAB is a standardized test the reveals areas of strength and ability in science, math and language and required to join the U.S. military.

SENIORS: If you are applying to college, remember that you need to let your School Counselor know when you’re ready for us to submit your transcripts and recommendation letters on Naviance. We also need you to give us a small resume to use for your recommendation letters.

If you know you have a deadline coming up, make an appointment to see us ASAP!


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School Code is: 15723


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