Quarter 4 is upon us & Testing season is about to begin! If you or your child have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to reach out- email is the fastest way! [email protected]
Our last Gifted Parent Advisory Council Meeting will be held April 26th, Location and Topic TBA
Lastly, it is the time of year that we report progress on your child’s gifted goals. I would like to gather their input! Please encourage them (I have posted on our schoology group page and send them a message) to complete the quick form, it should only take about 2-3 minutes. Or they can complete it here: https://forms.gle/6BdSwyvbiWsV4WEd8
“Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.” – Carl Bard.
Thanks so much 🙂
Jaci Racano