High School Showcase January 24, 2019
World Golf Village Convention Center
Did you know that over 40% of all high school students in St. Johns County are enrolled in one or more of our Programs of Choice?
Programs of Choice provide excellent options for the students of St. Johns County. To help families learn more about the Programs of Choice, each high school displays their programs at the St. Johns County School District High School Programs of Choice Showcase.
This year, the High School Showcase will be held Thursday, January 24, 2019 from 3:30 – 7:00 pm at the World Golf Village Convention Center. This event highlights Career Academies and specialized programs available to rising 9th and rising 10th grade students who live in St. Johns County.
All high school programs to which current 8th or 9th graders can apply for next school year will have booths to share information.
These programs include the Career Academies; Accelerated Programs – International Baccalaureate (IB), and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE); JROTC – Navy, Army and Air Force; and the St. Johns County Center for the Arts (SJCCA).
Seventh graders and their parents are also welcome to join us as they gather information for their future planning.
Students can apply to any of these programs no matter which school they are zoned to attend, although some program exceptions apply to this process. For example, students will need to apply and audition to be considered for the St. Johns County Center for the Arts at St. Augustine High School. Auditions will be held on Friday, February 15, 2019 at St. Augustine High School. For more information about the audition process, go to the St. Johns County Center for the Arts (SJCCA) website. For additional information on program exceptions and considerations, please visit the Career Academy of St. Johns website.
Families must make transportation arrangements for students who attend schools other than their zoned school. Out-of-zone transportation is only provided to students attending St. Johns Technical High School. If you are unable attend this event, additional information is available on the Career Academy website.
Each school also has a video overview of the programs offered at their school. Furthermore, each high school will have an Academy Night at their school to allow prospective students to tour the school, visit the classrooms, and hear more in-depth information about the programs from teachers, current students and business partners. Academy Nights will all be held at 6:00 pm on the dates and at the locations listed below.
*St Augustine & St. Johns Tech Johns Technical High School Academy Night begins at 5:30 pm. Jan. 29
Jan. 30 Allen D. Nease
Jan. 31- Bartram Trail
Feb. 04 Creekside
Feb. 05- Pedro Menendez & Ponte Vedra
Students currently in 8th or 9th grade who wish to enroll in one of the Programs of Choice for the first time MUST apply between January 24, 2019 at 8:00 am to February 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm. (Current high school students already in programs do not need to reapply.)
Current SJCSD students must apply online through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC) and directions can be found at on the Career Academies website. Home School, Private School or Virtual School students who are interested in enrolling in a Program of Choice at one of the SJCSD high schools next year need to pre-register at the CURRENT zoned school your child would have attended in the SJCSD this school year. After registering as a potential student, the currently zoned school will provide you with a paper application to complete and return.
The due date to apply is still February 19 at 5:00 pm. Only students residing in St. Johns county are eligible to apply for any of these programs. Students currently not attending a SJCSD school need to pre-register. Please visit the school district’s website for the required documentation that you will need for preregistration.
If accepted into one or more of these Programs of Choice, the family will need to complete the application process by bringing additional registration documents (such as transcripts, immunization records, etc.) before the start of the 2019 -2020 school year. Eligibility to apply to the Career Academies and JROTC Programs is open to all 8th or 9th graders who reside in St. Johns County who apply during the application dates. IB and AICE have academic eligibility requirements as they are accelerated academic programs. Teacher Recommendations Forms must be submitted to the IB or AICE Coordinators at the schools for which the student is applying by Feb. 19th .
Each Program of Choice has a limited number of space for new students, so applying does not guarantee acceptance in to a program. An automated lottery system is used to select the students who will be accepted. All families will receive email notifications by the end of February as to whether their child has been accepted into one or more programs or not for the next school year. By law, students of active military parents receive additional consideration to Programs of Choice. Active military parents of applicants should go to their child’s current school office before February 19th and show their military card to the office staff to have their military expiration date updated in the student’s eSchool records.
For questions about the SJCSD Programs of Choice that cannot be found on the website, please contact our office at 904-547-487