Academic Websites:
Your child will receive an individualized list of usernames, passwords, and websites for the digital books and online programs that we have available at Ocean Palms Elementary School. Please also watch for suggested apps and websites in our weekly newsletters. It is always wise to preview these websites before you allow your child to play them at home.
Social Studies & Science Small Books Online
These books allow students to read books that are grade level appropriate. The students are also able to read the books online or have the books read to them (by clicking on a small picture of a speaker near the text). Please enter the username and password. Username: skibae12 Password: reading Then click on “Online Leveled Books“. Finally, click on “Student Group” and choose Science or Social Studies. Note: Additional books will soon be available online!
Wide Range of Math Activities:
Variety of Math Games
Chapter Activities from Harcourt
Math Games (Variety of Levels)
Number Sense:
Building Number Interactivity with Base Ten Blocks
Place Value Simple Practice
Place Value Game with Sharks and Base Ten Blocks
Addition Review and Challenges:
Interactive Math Facts from
Soccer Interactive Whole Number Fact Practice
Two Minute Fluency Practice
Math Fact Flashcards
Skip Counting By 2 (speed)
Finding Numbers on a 100 Chart
Flash Cards Addition 1-10
Flash Cards Addition 10-18
Matching Addition 10-18
Facts That Equal Ten
Missing Numbers
Addition Doubles
Subtraction Review and Challenges:
Subtraction 0-12
Subtraction 2 Digit Numbers 0-100
Simple Subtraction “Take Away” Method 0-20
Subtraction and Arranging an Equation
Subtraction Review (You choose the level!)
Arcade Style Math Practice
Additional Skill Review:
Dog Arrays (Multiplication)
Repeated Addition (Start of Multiplication)
Multiplication Practice
Attributes/Sorting/Classifying Buttons
Simple Shape Patterns
Telling Time
Stop the Clock to the Half Hour
Stop the Clock (15 min intervals)
Watch Dog
More Multiplication Games
Math Resources:
National Library of Virtual Math Manipulative
Online Calculator
Math Dictionary (Elementary Level)
Create a Math Facts Test
Printable Math Worksheets
Printable Math Games
Math Games: (Student Username Needed)
Splash Math
National Geographic for Kids
Science Activities
Habitats and Animal Characteristics
Food Chains and Habitats
Online Books/Stories
Fact and Opinion
Story Order/Sequencing
Sequencing Directions and tying a Shoe
Making Predictions
Main Idea 1
Reading and Phonics Activities
Writing/Language Arts
Spelling Practice Online Games (Enter the individualized spelling list)
A-B-C Order (Basic)
Reading Comprehension
Nouns and Verb Practice
Noun Game
Verb Game
Pronoun Game
Special Nouns (Names)
Irregular Plural Words (Memory Game)
Plural Nouns
Grammar Worksheets (Variety of Levels)
Social Studies
Continents and Oceans Interactive Game
National Landmarks
States Facts
State Songs
Things to Do
Free Typing Games:
Great for Finger Placement
Bubble Game (Letter Speed)
Typing and Speed
Other Great Finds:
AR Book Finder (This can be used to check the ZPD/AR level of a book. It can also be used to search for a quiz so your child is able to take a vocabulary or comprehension quiz)