Parents and students can view attendance and grades online. Attendance will be updated daily. Grades will be updated weekly. Grades in this class will be calculated as follows:
Summative Assessments (Tests, essays, quizzes, projects) = 75%
Formative Assessments ( Classwork )= 25%
Letter grades:
A = 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 0-59%
- Assignments will be posted in class and on Schoology.
- All homework assignments and projects are due at the beginning of the period.
- Missed quizzes and tests must be made up within two days of the excused absence. Please make an appointment with me to make-up any work missed.
- Major projects and papers will not be accepted late. If you know you will be absent on a specific due date, you must submit the paper/project early.
- Students excused for a school-sponsored activity are expected to complete work before the absence for the activity