Welcome to English IV and English IV Honors! I am looking forward to having you in my class. Please read and adhere to the following guidelines for classroom behavior.
- Come ready to engage in class discussions and activities.
- Be in your seat and working on the opening assignment when the bell rings. If you are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, you will be marked tardy. 1-2 tardies will result in a warning, then a call to a parent. 3+ tardies will result in a referral to the dean.
- Food and drinks (except for bottled water) are not allowed in the classroom. No gum chewing is allowed in class.
- Time is allotted between classes for locker and bathroom breaks. Please do not ask for a pass to leave the classroom for water or bathroom privileges unless it is an emergency.
- Respect everyone in the classroom at all times.
- Adhere to the “Knights Code of Honor” (respect others and yourself at all times, show good character every day, set goals, stay focused, think and act like a leader, and strive for excellence).
- Cell phones, MP3 players, IPods, and any other electronics or audio equipment are not permitted to be used in class unless authorized by Mrs. Lower. Please secure these items in your backpack before you enter the classroom.
- Mrs. Lower dismisses students, not the bell.
Please note: ESE and ELL accommodations will be addressed within the classroom.