English IV Honors
McGraw Hill : Florida StudySync English 4, Volumes I and II
Various extended texts to include, but not limited to: Quarter l: The Postmaster, Beowulf, “The Pardoner’s Tale, Quarter 2: Hamlet Quarter 3: Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein Quarter 4: “Dover Beach,” Jane Eyre. I suggest that students have their own copy of the novels for their reference and note taking, so it may be helpful to purchase a copy. However, students will also be able to check the novels out from the library.
English IV
McGraw Hill: Florida StudySync, Volumes I and II
Langan, John. Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills.
Meyers, Alan. Writing with Confidence. Ninth Edition
Nist, Sherrie. Advancing Vocabulary Skills. Fourth Edition
Peterson, Linda H., and John Brereton. The Norton Reader Anthology. Twelfth Edition
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson