English IV Honors and English IV: Year at a Glance

English IV Honors 

1st Quarter – Uncovering truth. How do challanges cause us to reveal our true selves?

  • “The Postmaster”
  • Beowulf  (This can be found in our literature book)
  • “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales”
  • “The Pardoner’s Prologue”
  • “The Pardoner’s Tale”
  • Writing to develop and convey understanding, to inform and explain, and to convey experience.
  • Advanced Word Power Unit 1

2nd Quarter – Decision Making

  • Excerpts from The Prince
  • Hamlet  (This can be found in our literature book)
  • “Be Ye Men of Valour”
  • Writing to include argumentative and analytical essays, and writing to convey experience.
  • Advanced Word Power Unit 2

3rd Quarter – Against the Wind. How do leaders fight for their ideas?

  • Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein
  • Poems from these Romantic poets: William Blake, Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats
  • Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • Advanced Word Power Unit 3

Writing to include analyzing an argument, analyzing an author’s use of language, and comparing/contrasting the changing roles of women.

4th Quarter – Finding Ourselves and Fitting In

  • Dover Beach
  • Jane Eyre
  • A study of war poetry by British poets
  • Advanced Word Power Unit 4

Writing to include argumentative and informational essays


English IV: Florida College Prep

Year at a Glance

1st Quarter – Uncovering Truth: How do challenges cause us to reveal our true selves? 

  • McGraw Hill  text to include a study of Narrative and Descriptive fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • Writing to include Narration and Description.
  • “The Postmaster”
  • Beowulf
  • “The Pardoner’s Prologue”
  • “The Pardoner’s Tale”
  • Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills to include Vocabulary in Context, Main Ideas, and Supporting Details.
  • Advancing Vocabulary Skills Unit 1

2nd Quarter – Against the Wind: How do leaders fight for their ideas? 

  • McGraw Hill text to include a study of fiction and poetry.
  • Excerpts from Hamlet
  • Analysis of Rhetoric to include an analysis of “We Choose to Go to the Moon” and “Be Ye Men of Valour”
  • Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills to include Relationships I and Inferences
  • Advancing Vocabulary Skills Unit 2

3rd Quarter – Sculpting Reality: What is the Power of a Story?

  • McGraw Hill text to include poetry and fiction.
  • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills to include Implied Main Ideas and Relationships II
  • Advancing Vocabulary Skills Unit 3


4th Quarter – Reflection

  • McGraw Hill and Norton Reader to include Definition, Process Analysis and Letter Writing
  • Writing to include Definition, Process Analysis and Teacher Appreciation Letter.
  • Writing to include a Research paper
  • Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills to include Purpose and Tone, Argument, and Critical Reading.
  • Advancing Vocabulary Skills Unit 4