Make-up/retake procedure

Please note the attendance policy for performance activities and special rehearsals:

If a student needs to miss a performance or special rehearsal, he or she will need to see the Mr. Sellers and present a note from a parent (and email works just fine) at least one week prior to, or in the case of an emergency, the school day following a performance (or on the next day of school attendance).  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a make up assignment, even though a performance or special rehearsal can never be truly “made up.”  The performance or special rehearsal grade will be recorded as the minimum grade (per the school’s policy) until the make up assignment is completed.  One student missing a performance or rehearsal will have an impact on the entire ensemble, as we depend on each other like in team sports. The difference of course, is that extra activities are part of the curriculum in band. Our bands depend on every student! You are an important part of an effective performance!

Classroom tests/assessment make ups/retakes:

Tests that involve individual performance during class can be retaken/made up with NO GRADE PENALTY.  Please keep this in mind if you perform below your expectations!  You can always perform the test again, as many times as you like up until the end of the grading period in which the test was given.