I can’t believe we are in the 4th and FINAL quarter of third grade! This year flew by! Please help encourage your child to come to school prepared to learn every day. Math homework should be completed nightly and students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes per night. Consistency is key – I know we are all tired and ready for summer fun, but FINISH STRONG! Hard work will pay off!
I will send home our final STAR reading scores on today. Please make sure your child is reading books in their ZPD for continued growth and reading enjoyment!
ELA: P.O.V, schwa sounds
Math: elapsed time
Science: Forms of Energy
Social Studies: Historical women
Thank you for being focused and productive this week!
Important Dates:
4/18: No school
5/6: F.A.S.T testing (important!!!)
- 5/8: F.A.S.T testing (important!!!)
- 5/12-15: Swim Week
- 5/26: No school
- 5/30: Last day of school – students dismissed at 1:50.
*PLEASE encourage your child to read nightly. End 4th quarter STRONG!
Check H.A.C and Schoology weekly!
We wear RED on Friday!