Portfolio 2020-2021

Welcome to Portfolio 2021-2022

Student Work: Delaney Maxwell, AP Student 2016-2017

Students will be using Schoology for communication, calendar, assigments, PowerPoints and to for information. 


 Course Description for Portfolio:

Students work in a self-directed environment to develop a portfolio showing a body of their own work that visually explores a particular artistic concern, articulated and supported by a written artist’s statement. Artists may work in, but are not limited to, content in drawing, painting, printmaking, and/or mixed media that emphasizes line quality, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation, and/or illusion of depth. Students regularly reflect on aesthetics and art issues individually and as a group, and focus on expressive content that is progressively more innovative and representative of the student’s artistic and cognitive growth. In keeping with the rigor expected in an accelerated setting, students’ portfolios show personal vision and artistic growth over time, mastery of visual art skills and techniques, and evidence of sophisticated analytical and problem-solving skills based on their structural, historical, and cultural knowledge. Students are self-directed and display readiness for high levels of critical thinking, research, conceptual thinking, and creative risk-taking. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.