Middle School Families,

I wanted to welcome you and give you a quick update as to our middle school services for this year and our first gifted “sessions” at your child’s school. As your child’s gifted itinerant teacher, I will be meeting with the gifted group one a quarter. Below is an brief description of what services I can provide, however I am available for whatever needs may arise beyond what is listed.

Student Needs:

  • Quarterly sessions on social emotional topics (priority)      
  • Support for students not placed with gifted endorsed teachers
  • Assist with progression services (elementary to middle school, middle to high school)

Staff Needs:

  • Training and support for LEA and Case Managers: EP meetings/ compliance support with progress reports, transfers, referrals, and MIS form
  • As requested, coach/provide resources for teachers to meet EP goals (collaboration to provide curriculum units for enrichment, social emotional lessons and extensions for curriculum compacting
  • ESE support (twice exceptional)

Parent Needs: Support/education, Resources, Gifted Parent Advisory Council (GPAC)

We had our first sessions this week at Murray and Gamble, thank you all for coming 🙂 It was a blast!!

Please remember also to have your child check Schoology on a regular basis as well- this will be a great way for us to interact virtually.

Gifted Session Quarter 1: My main focus was not only to introduce myself, but also to introduce an understanding of the type of concepts that I will be teaching about this year during the times we meet. I explained to the students that my teaching focus is centered around “social & emotional topics.”  We discussed the meaning of the word “social” (our interaction and communication with others), and “emotional” (having to do with our emotions and feelings).  I brought attention to three main areas that comprise the social & emotional realm: how we think, how we feel, and how we act.  Thinking and feeling are internal.

Frustration was the topic focus this go around. We discussed types of situations that frustrate us as students and adults and how we handle that frustration. Square breathing in an exercise that students can work on at home to help them take a moment to breath and refocus, which is sometimes all that is needed in difficult times.

Please ask your child to share with you the two handouts that were given.

Thank you for always supporting your children as they grow in these areas.  Keeping an open line of communication among family members is a great way to ensure growth.  Please feel free to reach out to me via email if you ever have any questions.

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